" Skool...Life and everything between: Ice skating Party!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ice skating Party!

I went Ice Skating for my friends birthday party ,the one I mentioned on my last blog that we had a sleepover.It was the best ice skating party so far in my life! All my friends went so is was AWESUM! We would fall on purpose just to get wet, we made snowballs (iceballs) with the ice and started throwing them at each other but we got caught by one of the staff people.We made a train line and skated around half of the rank but some people broke the train. We also made a huge circle with everyone,we twirled about five times and one person fell and got a booboo, boo hoo. We saw professional skaters doing tricks and stuff so we started trying to copy them including the birthday girl she was trying to do tricks to get them right for about 20 minutes.The cake that we had was cookiecake THAT WAS YUMMY!! It was probably the 2nd or 3rd best cake i have tasted. Now me and my bestfriend are sick (sore throat) :(

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