" Skool...Life and everything between: Pullips

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Pullips are collectible dolls. They have a very oversized head with a plastic body that has lots of joints so they can change poses, they have eyes that can change directions and wink. There are also Dals, they are like pullips but smaller and can't blink. Taeyangs are the boy dolls they are the Dals big brother. Pullip,Taeyang,and Dals are often customized with their, body type,wig and eye chip color.The Pullip
I want is Naomi, Taeyang I want is MJ and Dal is Lipoca all of them cost about $80- $100
Some even cost $300
The picture below is Naomi she is awesomely beautiful
<-----------------------That is MJ the coolest out of all the Taeyangs
And this is Lipoca! I looove her Hair <3                                                                                            

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