" Skool...Life and everything between: August 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


5 more days till school starts again, for me
I'm not like 'EXCITED' but I'm, excited.
-I get to see friends everyday xD (5 days a week.)
-Meet new friends! n__n
-Have more memories!>.<
-Go on more adventures! ^0^
I'll miss summer 2011<3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The best movie! 
I personally LOOVE it!
It's a have to see movie
It's Amazing


Had a time of my life a few days ago, a few friends and me went to celebrate a special birthday at Mai-Kai
The show was AWWESOOME! The food was GREAT! The Restaurant and Garden was BEAUTIFUL! The seats were COMFY!
Everything was perfect!
When we left we were STUFFED! More stuffed then a stuffed plushie can be!
A day I will never forget

Daisy ^_^

Hey my Daisy girl this post is just for you. ^-^
Happy Birthday
There are no words to describe how much I love you.
You are weren't just my pet, you were my sister,
and now your not just my sister but also my guardian angel
 I Love You and Always will <3

~ Jenny